The Collective, and the Impending Beginning of the World 

July 1st 2024

An old friend posted the above image last week, and it really spoke to me, because I think it really strongly describes the direction we’re heading as a collective. In order for me to properly lay this out from a grand perspective, it is most fitting that I first describe the workings behind the scenes. So allow me to lay the foundation for the structure and purpose of our world, in the way that feels most true to me, so that in the end, we have all the related context to work with. If you’re looking for a physical origin story that you can compare or contrast alongside the big bang theory, you’re going to be sorely disappointed, as this story comes before matter, and for that matter, before time.

I believe in a grand creator, and that this creator is the one written about in the bible and other sacred texts, although I believe sometimes “he” is largely misrepresented IN the bible, going as far as to start by nitpicking at the pronoun “he.” “God The Father,” so intentionally represented as masculine and patriarchal, which is not the persona of God. I call God “Source,” or in a more grand way “Source God Creator,” so going forward, expect any allusion to “Source” to be referring to God, or to whatever you believe the highest deity to be called.

The whole of existence began with a singular heartbeat of Source. From here, Source divided itself to know itself. This was the creation of dimensions. Source, a single point, zero dimensions. Split into two, presenting the first dimension, the perspective that there is one me and one “not me,” that we can be close or far, masculine or feminine, light or dark, the introduction of duality. A third point, the observer, the child, the introduction of perspective with or without bias, and the 3rd point also being enough to demonstrate the constraints of a plane, that is, two dimensions. And the division continued, creating 3 dimensional space, then time in the 4th, and continuing forward, creating all the other wonderful, beautiful, magical things the universe has to offer, until we had a 15 dimension form of existence. But let’s come back to the beginning.

All of this happened, when Source divided itself, to know itself. So all of these things are inherently a part, or aspect, of God. The whole of all existence, is Source. The biggest distortion ever inserted into society, is that there is a separation between you and the divine. You are so much more than any self-limiting beliefs could ever allow you to understand. Your higher self signed up to come to this planet with a framework of desired experience, in order for you to learn more about yourself, as an aspect of Source. So in the spirit of the initial inspiration for this piece of work, how empowering is it to know that you are an aspect of pure divinity? As I’ve said before, the only truth that I have ALWAYS known, it is that God IS love, in the most literal sense. As an aspect of source god creator, you have a capacity for love, including love of self, that far exceeds what you can fathom. As we become aware of that, we can channel it into coming into wholeness, healing yourself, and bettering the lives of everyone in your life, including those far in the periphery. The effect we have is so much larger than we can truly appreciate.

This brings us back to the collective, and the very real fact that you matter. I’ve been speaking to friends lately about ‘how different’ certain cities feel than others, given all the same conditions. This is the perceived frequency of the local collective. In my post on empathy, I spoke on picking up on the emotions of those you come in contact with. But it goes farther than that. People’s energy comes together and combines, either adding or cancelling, and whatever is closest will have the strongest influence. So if you’re out to dinner, you will likely be able to determine specific emotions from the people at your table. Maybe also, you are getting a vibe from a table near you. The restaurant will also have a collective vibe that can be perceived, and if you go to the same restaurant 3 hours later, it will be different, due to a different group of people and frequencies being in the environment.

The entire world works like this in both microcosms and the macrocosm. So together, we literally shape the reality and the feeling of our world. This is actually measurable. It’s called the Schumann resonance. There is plenty of scientific application for Schumann resonance, but in this context, it can be used as a measure of “How does the whole of earth feel today?” In your every thought, action, or emotion, you are contributing to the the frequency of earth. You are literally an energy wave, that is always combining with everyone else, either in resonance or disharmony, with the collective. So when you are your absolute best, you are raising your frequency and adding that high frequency to Schumann resonance. When you are struggling, and in a place of distortion, your frequancy is drawing down on Schumann resonance. You are changing the world with simply your very being, at all times.

So what does this mean in a physical application of the present moment, and the future that we are drawing-in to the present, to be made manifest? I’ll tell you what I see. I see more and more people in triumph over adversity. I see more and more longstanding negativity that was hidden under the surface of both people’s outter lives and within themselves, coming to a head to be confronted. As above, so below. As within, so without. We are all being forced to look at the things which are in disharmony with our inner divinity. And IT IS UNCOMFORTABLE. Embrace it. You can win. You can make it out the other side, and you will be better for it. And when you do, if you were willing to feel the density, to be present for the experience, to learn through the pain and the trauma, to get in touch with and appreciate both your strengths and your weaknesses, you will have completed that cycle and open yourself to a new blank slate of possibility, free to pencil it in, however you see fit.

We’re doing it. I see it in myself. I see it in my loved ones, friends, my coworkers, I even see it in passers-by. People are getting better. Humanity is starting to heal the collective trauma, empowered. We are breaking the chains of separation and beginning to make the trek back to unity. We start the journey from within, but we are not doing it alone. We are doing it together. What you’re going through? I feel it. We feel it. Let’s get it done. Let’s face it. Let’s make a new earth. Buckle up, we’re close to a big shift, and as it happens, YOU MATTER.

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