Supportive Reading List 

I decided to register as an Amazon affiliate, so any products purchased from following the links will support me in my journey to help others discover the wisdom and healing that i’ve found and incorporated into my life. Whatever you see here, just pick what resonates with you right now. There is no right way or right order to explore understanding. Some might be too “out there” for you right now. But later you might want to return to it, or maybe not. If you’re here, and you’re exploring, that’s perfectly perfect on it’s own.

The Creative Act: A Way of Being – At the time of writing, I am currently reading this one. It’s very “normy friendly.” It’s exceptional. It aims to open your creative lens. Even if you are in no way an artist, this book is an amazing resource and will open your eyes to see the world with so much more creative nature.

Wheels of Life – A comprehensive beginners guide to your natural energy centers, the chakras. Almost a must-read.

The Emotion Code – A fantastic emotional healing modality.

The Gene Keys – A modern inner discovery modality that serves as an evolution of the ancient Chinese I Ching. I recommend learning about it before buying the book. It is not a simple linear read. It’s a system that you can work with for the rest of your life.

The Kybalion – A channeled text reviving the work of Hermes Trismegistus, detailing the 7 laws of the universe, which are integral to the ancient mystery school lineages. While I feel this is one of the best and easiest reads (though it may take some time to fully integrate it’s meaning) it also requires a certain degree of openness. I know when i first started it, I wasn’t quite ready to accept the level at which it challenged some of my beliefs. It’s very cheap, and if you start it and aren’t ready, throw it on the shelf for a bit. I find it to be an invaluable resource of information and perspective.

Breathe: 33 Simple Breathwork Practices – A great companion guide to keep handy for intentional breath practices.

The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Auras – A quick and easy read, not too complicated. Offers some great practices to begin recognizing the energy of the individual.

The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot – Dont get hung up on wording. If the Tarot interests you, this is a great guidebook to help you start working with this form of divination.This

Book Will Save You Time – Written by a proponent of Bitcoin, a short and enjoyable read to help put things in perspective between balancing and properly valuing your time and money. Not at all spiritual.

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