The Part Where I Got Substantially Weirder 

June 29th 2024


Life is fractal. The farther I go on my journey, the more I see the interconnectedness of everything, at every level. How I'm feeling is who I'm being, which is what I'm seeing in the world around me, which is related to the content I'm guided to, which leads to the breakthroughs and evolution that I am seeking, which restarts this cycle by introducing a new set of feelings. Likewise, these posts should be no different, in the order in which they're written. So far it has always felt pertinent that the topic most needed to be seen is related to both what I am currently moving through, as well as the next period of growth that I was confronted with on my jouney over the past year.


Right now, I am being confronted with topics related to the physical influence of magic in our every day lives. Currently this is manifesting as contemplations over Odin, Merlin, Hermes Trismegistus, Thoth, and even Gandalf the Grey, who I never realized seems to be modeled entirely after Odin. It surely seems like they are all the same deity, and are present throughout so many different cultures and times, some of which never had contact between them in recorded history. So future works will likely include more of a deep dive into these figures, but until then, I suggest The Kybalion, by Three Initiates. It presents the laws of the universe as put forth in the Hermetic Principles. If you are interested in traveling down this rabbit hole and feel that you are ready for it, it's a great one.

But it feels aligned for me to move into my first majorly magical experience, which came shortly after the studies of my last blog post. I had learned the emotion code and through it, muscle testing, and had begun working with a mentor, who had been guiding our group in activities that "raise our frequency" (which I will eventually further explain in another blog post), and I began to have a series of "openings" where my perception would widen to give me glimpses of my clair senses, which for me first came in as Clairsentience (clear feeling), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Claircognizance (clear knowing, better known as intuition), and, once, even Clairvoyance (clear seeing). Now I do not have these gifts blown wide open as of the time of writing, but the things that I felt, saw, heard, and downloaded, were a very clear realization for me that all of these things can be trained and honed. You do not need to be born with them, though most of us are, and we are simply raised and conditioned to turn them off.

Side-note, I would not recommend any sort of "fast track" in attempting to blow open your clair senses. Where your intention (goal) and your attention (focus) are pointed, you will find what you seek, in the most perfectly perfect way imaginable. There are plenty of people that have used practices to force a "Kundalini Awakening," and have had success, in really unpleasant ways. Kundalini Awakening is a term used to describe opening the channel of life-force energy within you to become useable. It can be beautiful if your physical body is ready for it, which is what happens when it is allowed to occur naturally.

So for me, I had begun "bookending my day" which is a process of putting together a group of morning and evening practices to choose the energy that you want to embody and experience in your day. Meditation, grounding, gratitude, lifting, stretching, yoga, prayer, whatever you feel is best for you. And at the same time, myself and other members of the household began experiencing weird happenings. My wife, Mariel, was beginning to see fleeting images of a little girl in our house. (It is worth mentioning that she has seen things off and on before, going back as far as childhood, it was not because of what I was dabbling in). I used muscle testing to determine that it was a "ghost," "spirit," "wayward soul," whatever term you choose to describe a soul tht got stuck in between worlds when the physical body passed from this earth, and that it had actually followed her home from the playground when she was there with our kids. As soon as I began inquiring about it, I could instantly feel her presence, which was the first time in the past decade or more that I experienced anything "etheric."

With some more inquiry and intention, I got it to leave our house, and went to bed. A good friend of mine, who was staying with us at the time, chose to keep seeing what he could do with it, and after acknowledging it and showering it in love, it was able to cross over. From this moment forward, I became a nearly non-stop emporium of spirit release. Two more spirits showed up near my energetic field over the course of the next day, and I worked to help them cross. Another night, I was just beginning to fall asleep, when I heard three loud distinct knocks at the door right next to my bed. I startled awake, looked over, the door was open as it usually is, and I could feel a spirit present. I worked to help it cross. I called a friend to tell him (felt more like confessing than 'telling') what I had been experiencing and doing, and he told me about strange things that were happening to him. I instantly knew that it was his grandfather, and asked spirit just to confirm by muscle testing, and then rather than helping him to pass-on myself, guided my friend on how to assist his granfather in continuing on his journey himself, which he then did later that day, once he had some alone time. All of this, even though it was highly unusual, felt very natural to me, very quickly. And I earnestly wanted to help souls in the way that I was helping. But there also came a point where it became a bit too much. Within a week I was unable to go more than a few hours without encountering a spirit, so I quickly developed a method of handling this that didn't require "turning it off." I had worked hard to get to this point and knew that I wanted to manage this and be in control of it, rather than to become a slave to it or to abandon it entirely. So I decided to make a "spiritual construct" that could automate this process. I constructed a "love bridge" that would allow any spirits that came to me for guidance to be forwarded to the love bridge to be acknowledged and experience love so as to continue on their journey unimpeded, being met by ancestors and family, provided they do not need any further assistance. Over time I needed to make a number of adjustments to the bridge so that it had the proper capacity and tools to help spirits in need, such as when I began to get met my a number of slaves that wanted to be seen and acknowledged since they had never felt seen during their life, or when I spent a weekend in St. Augustine and was getting bombarded all evening, and once I had made the proper adjustments and upgrades, I was rarely confronted by wayward souls thereafter.

I also had one wild personal experience with an entity. (I have since dealt with many entities, but this was the only one that was so "real.") It was self-made from my own fears and doubts, but it seemed very physical, and I had a legitimate encounter with it one morning during my routine morning rituals. I had just finished my grounding meditation, and I could hear what sounded like a very large animal on the other side of my fence. I stood up and listened to it, because it literally sounded like a bear walking around through the trees and brush. I watched as it passed directly through my fence and appeared as a shapeshifting shadow (think "the druun" from raya and the last dragon), as best as I could describe it, making pretty terrible sounding noises as it approached me. I ran into the house like a scared little kid, and never saw it again (I have protection around my home), but I could feel it's presence. As with all other spiritual energies, I showered it with love, and it ceased to exist. Then I was able to confront and transmute the emotions that led to it's creation.

I certainly don't share any of this to shock or scare anyone, but I think it's worthwhile to bring into scope why I KNOW, without doubt, the realness of the energies and consciousness that I've awakened to and worked with. I haven't "convinced myself" of any of it. I lived through it. It's also good to note that I wanted this, that's why I received it. You generally don't experience these things simply for getting curious and exploring spirituality. I knew deep down that this was all there, and I sought it out quite intentionally. I desired and manifested these experiences. So if these things frighten you, don't let it squash your curiosity. For most people, the scariest events will be confronting your own emotions that we all tend to bury.

If you DO want to dabble in these denser energies, however, I just recommend you get some solid education and support before just messing around and opening yourself up to whatever. Make sure you establish energetic boundaries, first and foremost, which I will have a dedicated post for, as the benefits will influence every aspect of your life. Second, I recommend having someone you can reach out to, personally, for if/when you encounter something you don't know how to handle. None of this stuff can harm you physically, but it can come into your field and stick with you, which you want to be aware of and may want or need assistance with. As with all things, feel free to comment or message me if you have questions or need assistance.

I'm beginning to feel that my next dose of magic is just around the corner. I got lazy with some of my morning rituals and went back to just enjoying my human for a while. That balance is really important. Neglecting yourself in your mental or physical bodies are equal in influence to neglecting your emotional or spiritual bodies. As I begin to learn about and work with the energies and knowledge of Odin and Merlin, my spidey senses are once again beginning to tingle. I greatly anticipate the new truths and perspectives this opens me up to. I hope you enjoyed and were able to receive of the stories I wrote of today, and I sincerely hope they spark more curiosity than fear, as they were highly influential to me on my path forward. I know I've mentioned a lot of things that I promised to cover more thoroughly, and I hope to find the time and creative inspiration to start filling in some of those gaps soon. Be blessed, and I hope to engage in discussion over these topics.

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