Training Intuition 

July 9th 2024

Today’s writing was going to be slightly shorter, until it wasn’t, as I am also building a suggested reading page for the site in tandem with this. I registered as an amazon affiliate today, so any purchases made from clicking links from here will help support my efforts. Welp, here we go.Soon after dipping my toes further into the Spiritual/Metaphysical realm of research, I began to notice that while the practices and beliefs held by many in the space may vary immensely, there are a few things they all tend to agree on. One of which is that any and all persons can unlock inherent psychic gifts. Gifts that were always there but that life here on earth has trained us to mask from the very minute we got here. As for why that is, that’s a much longer story that I’ll save for once I feel called to make this blog a whole lot weirder than it already is thus far.So instead, we’ll start with the first modality, or method, that I discovered and learned, in order to begin exporing and embracing whatever gifts I might begin to remember. I was steadfast in searching for a good mentor to get on the fast track of training, and the beautiful soul that I have since been working with, before beginning to work together, had suggested I look into a book called “The Emotion Code.” It’s a terrific read, with a forward written by Tony Robbins. Written by Dr. Bradley Nelson, who specializes in chiropractic and holistic healing, he explains the ways in which long forgotten emotional trauma becomes trapped in our physical body and can even be responsible for severe illness.In order to practice the method he introduces, a concept called muscle testing, which is a type of body dowsing, which has many forms, most of which are considered more “witchy” like using a pendulum, or dowsing rods. Dowsing is any process in which we ask yes or no questions and allow a yes or no answer to come in, or we make statements, and allow a true or false answer to come in. All forms of dowsing “work,” however it is up to us to determine which is best for us, as some may be difficult for us, others may allow us to influence the answers we are receiving. I personally prefer the “hand-solo” method as described in the book, but many prefer the sway test. There are plenty of resources online to learn muscle testing/dowsing. Feel free to contact me personally if you would like further tips or are having trouble.As you work through the process, you begin to uncover and release emotional baggage you never realized you were carrying around, and the benefits are many. Not only do you see which of life’s past events are still with you, carrying it almost like physical weights on your body, but also, you get to start to play (and PLAY is so important for our evolution) with the tool of muscle testing, which allows us to channel in information and insight from our higher self!I was a little bit too analytical with it at first, simply trying to “get rid of them all.” This works, however I don’t believe it to be the most streamlined approach to inner healing. It is much more serving to our greater good to allow whatever reveals itself to be fully witnessed and accepted by your consciousness. As you work through the bigger problems, the smaller ones will eventually resolve themselves within your subconscious. Additionally, you can then use this tool to dive in, whenever things come up for you, as a means of working through that tough emotional state.Going through this process can introduce calm into your life in ways you didn’t know it before. It can heal traumas that you are either aware, or unaware of, which can improve your physical health. It can get you in touch with your higher self and allow you to start bridging the gap to all the magic that is within your grasp. And lastly, it can begin to show you that you are more than just a mind in a body. Before practicing the emotion code, I was curious. After practicing the emotion code I became involved. When you start to actually experience the things that you were once presented with the choice of whether to “believe,” there is no longer a choice, and it is no longer belief. You just now know. Maybe the emotion code will resonate with you, too.I will present everything I have learned, as ways to help your “self,” because this is the first and most important application. But all of the modalities I have learned are not only for self. You can perform them in service to others as well. This one specifically, you can become a certified practitioner of the emotion code, and do the work professionally, including remotely! I did not choose to go this route, but if you are interested and wish to see what might be holding you back, but don’t have the time, or the desire, to do the reading and learning involved with this, I can work with you as well.Lastly, I am going to be adding tipping options to the site, which will be located in the footer of all the pages. As of right now I do not yet feel called to move into this field with rigid session offerings in any particular modalities, but if you want some of my time, just ask, it is yours for free. Any tips/donations will be appreciated but not at all required, and will assist me in being able to devote all the time to get my work out to more people.

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