Intro to Empathy, and an Abbreviated Toolkit for Energetic Boundaries and Self Protection 

July 4th 2024

This post will remain a living document, as I will add to it and amend it as I remember, create, or re-tool new methods. I did want to begin with a starters guide, however, so that I have some basic information available for reference. I will likely feel called to remove the word "abbreviated" from the title, as well, in the future. The topics presented are as I understand them, and while I do not (yet) consider myself any sort of authority on the matter, they have served me well, and have been utilized to be tried and true for me. I have been taught much of it, but also have tweaked them to be what works best for me, my beliefs, and my personality, struggles, and challenges. Perhaps you will take the practices and over time add or remove what feels most fitting for you.

Just the same as those I have learned from, I cannot, by any means, stress the importance of energetic boundaries enough. If you take nothing from any of my other work, and go on living a completely unspiritual 3d existance, the act of SOLELY instituting a practice of establishing energetic boundaries regularly will make you forever changed. This could look like something as simple as thinking to yourself "my energy is my own, and I intend to have a clear boundary between myself and others, not as a wall, but to clearly define what is mine, and what is not." I know multiple people close to me that aren't into all my woo-woo stuff, but that have used this intention to make their empathy less enslaving and embrace it as a useable gift.

Like it or not, we all arrive here on earth with empathy pre-installed, albeit to varying degree from one person to another. I'm now going to clarify what I deem to be empathy. Empathy is the ability to share in the energy of other people's emotions. For some with strong empathy and no boundaries, this looks and feels like the weight of the world, with the fears, struggles, sadness, anger, and other negativive energies that is held by everyone you come in contact with, feeling as strong in the empath as the individuals who are the true owners of those emotions. Often, when we encounter people that are very caring and SYMPATHETIC, it is because they are also EMPATHETIC. For those of us who have a much lesser sense of empathy, this can look like simply feeling really bad for someone else when they are down in the dumps, but in a way that reaches outside the bounds of simple human compassion.

We all have an energy body, or energy field, more commonly called an aura, which is an extention of ourselves, and is what receives the energy of others for you to perceive. It is much to the benefit of all human beings, that we declare with intention, to keep a clean house with our energy body, and to recognize and create boundaries for what is, and is not, our own.

I havent started saying this A LOT yet in my writing, but I probably will, because it's important to remember, and it applies to essentially everything in life. "Where attention (or intention) goes, energy flows." Think of this as a spiritual, yet very literal, version of "you can do anything you put your mind to," only it's more like "you WILL do anything you focus your mind and heart on." So for any practices that are learned throughout my writing, just know that setting clear intention is the only thing that truly matters. Take, for instance, if you consciously focus on having energetic boundaries, you will. Once you have lost focus on the intent of having energetic boundaries, you will not. So do not get too hung up on "doing it right." If you want to be doing it right, you are. The ceremony and pomp of these exercises is to anchor it into your being, your focus, and your memory, that you have done the thing in order to have the experience. Someone who's been very intent on these things for years upon years, can simply think "energetic boundaries" and the years of practice and focus will simply turn them on. Until it is truly second nature, I suggest more drawn out practices that make you think through the layers of it, thus cementing it into your reality.

Lastly, know that you do not need to understand every little facet of a practice in order for it to be effective. There are lots of meditations that I used for months before I knew what everything in it meant. It still works just the same. Additionally, the things you don't understand will likely prompt you to think more about it, or maybe research it. Thinking is focus, focus is attention, attention is intention, intention means it's working.

Gaia-Solar Circuit Grounding Meditation

My first big suggestion towards energetic boundaries is a good grounding meditation. The one I most frequently use is called the Gaia-Solar circuit. The point of this grounding meditation is to bring the energy of heaven, the energy of earth, and all of your focus and awareness together in your heart space. This is a large part of my interpretation of what Christians would call the holy spirit, that is, Source God within You, or activating your inner divinity. I practice it as follows:

As with all meditations, it is best practice (but not entirely necessary) to close your eyes, taking BIG deep breaths, putting your focus on your breath, and allowing your thoughts to pop in and out of your head without giving them much focus. Your monkey mind is going to throw you curveballs, just be ok with that. It's not going to ruin it if you cannot clear out all of life's distrations

Picture yourself enshrined in a large bubble of white light and love. With your inhales, allow this energy to infiltrate every cell of your being. On the exhale, expell anything that does not serve you. All negativity, anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, allow it all to exit your body into the bubble to be renewed by love and light. Do this part at least 3 times but until you feel ready to move on.

Picture a glowing golden seed in your heart space. Invite it to begin moving down the center line of your body and into the ground, burrowing deep into the earth. Follow it all the way down to the core of earth, connecting and anchoring in, to the spirit of Mama Gaia. Receive of the energy of mother earth, and continue to release anything else you have not let go, into mother earth.

Invite your heart seed to begin returning drawing up with it the ascention grid of Gaia, stopping in each of your chakras to open, cleanse, purify, align, and come into balance, using the ascention energy of Gaia.

Exit out your crown, sending the seed to our sun star. Anchor and travel through the sun to the Pleadian central sun, anchoring and traveling through to the great Serian central sun, anchoring and traveling through to Andromeda at the crystala star. Receive of the upgrades available to your light-body in the crystala star, and connect to your higher I AM presence. Ask to open the portal and travel through the pre-matter fields of light and sound, past the seven higher heavens, arriving at Source God Creator, the infinite source field of energy. Bask in this place of unity, sitting in reverence and meditation for as long as you want, and express gratitude.

Go back down the path you've made, drawing solar ascention grid energy down into your crown, third eye, throat, and back down into your heart, tying heaven and earth together in the space of your heart's energetic field. Sit with this until you feel complete, focusing on your breath, coming fully into your body, feel your legs, your arms, your shoulders, and when you're ready, open your eyes.

Heart Presence

Next up I'd like to recommend a heart presencing technique. You are never more powerful, held, and protected than when you bring your consciousness fully into your feeling heart rather than your logical mind. This can be done independently from any other practices, whenever you feel the need to act think or feel from the heart and out of love, or can be added in at the beginning or end of the Gaia-Solar circuit meditation, or even in the middle as you work your way up your chakra column with the Gaia ascention grid energy (one of my personal favorites). Here's how I practice it:

Close your eyes, Bring your awareness to your heart space, and picture your heart seed in the center of it.

Begin taking deep breaths, and on your inhales, envision your heart energy collapsing into the center of your heart seed, drawing energy in from all diretions into this one consolidated zero-point like a magnet. On the exhale, project this energy field out as far as you can, attempting to focus all of this collected energy more strongly and projecting a larger energy field, every time.

Repeat until you feel you have focused this heart energy to have the maximum size and potency for that given moment.

Some times will likely be more effective than others, You won't always have the same amount of focus, capacity for love, energy, and frequency, when you approach this practice, however repetition will be your best friend. In time, you will also be able to use this as one of many types of guage as to how you're feeling, and can ammend your day's practices acordingly. If you aren't feeling your best, maybe take the time to ensure you're hydrated, give attention to whatever emotions are bringing down your frequency, or check in to see if your inner child needs attention or play. Any questions about those last bits will likely be covered in later articles, but feel free to reach out for clarification.

Sacred Space

The next practice is creating sacred space. This practice clears your energy field of disruptions, and allows you to have a distortion free channel to your higher self and guides. This practice is paramount any time you are seeking wisdom from spirit, including using divination techniques such as muscle testing. The following is how I practice it, which works best for me, and differs from the way I was taught. Use this as a guide, but feel free to ammend it as you see fit, adding any divine beings or ascended masters that you wish to work with.

Call back all of your energy, and all soul fragments, from all times, places, realities, and dimensions.

Call in your higher self, and divine team in light and spirit, to be closer to you than ever before

Call in the Archangels to provide you with a sacred container. I envision Archangel Metatron bringing down the solar ascention grid energy overhead in the shape of a pyramid, Archangel Sandalphon bringing up the Gaia ascention grid energy from below with an upside down pyramid, the two pyramids meeting to form a sacred container in the shape of an octohedron around me, and the Archangels Raphel, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel bringing in their rays of light to hold the four horizontal corners.

Invoke the power of Source God Creator (obviously feeling free to use whatever name you prefer) to create sacred space within your container.

Lovingly ask your ego to step aside and allow higher wisdom to channel through.

Announce to all that have been called on, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is."

From here, you can feel free to meditate on a situation, ask questions, perform any type of divination, free of distortion or interference.

12-D Shield

Lastly, and especially important if you intend to be doing any wacky hocus pocus stuff like working with beings stuck in the lower astral (see my last article), is a 12th dimensional shield. It is a ritual that ensures nothing nefarious can enter your sovereign energy field. This practice that was channeled by Lisa Renee (of Ascension Glossary, an excellent resource), but once again, this is MY spin on it, and it contains a sentence that even triggered me when I began this journey but that I now embrace as truth. This is an incredibly powerful protection practice. So here we go:

Close your eyes and quiet your mind (deep clearing breaths are also useful).

Set the intention to create a pure energy space that is all your own, and only beings that you invite in, and are of the highest vibration of love, are allowed in.

Envision a Merkaba Star (the three dimensional version of a star of david, made of one upright and one upside down tetrahedrons, partially overlapping, and spinning in opposite directions) in the energy space of your third-eye.

Invite it to travel down your center line and ground/anchor in the center of earth.

As it returns back to you, it stops about 1ft beneath your feet. A 6ft circle of white light projects outward from it.

As if there were an invisible cylinder coming up around you from the circle, a liquid-like flow of this white light pours down, turning the white light circle, into a white light cylinder that is filling up around you to about 2-4 feet over your head.

Once the cylinder is filled above your head, invite the merkaba to move up your center line to the top of it, where it begins to spin unfathomably fast, and declare (in your head or aloud) "I am Source, I am God, I am sovereign, I am free," three times. With the spinning of the merkaba and your affirmation, your white light cylinder gains a completely sealed shield with a golden shimmer.

If you wish, you can then send the merkaba up to source to anchor there as well.

So this is the brunt of the most important and effective practices that I use to keep myself in my highest alignment, connected, and protected. The more you do them, the easier and quicker they become, and the more effective/longer lasting they become. If I were to have one more piece of information starting out that I didn't understand or know for some time, it is that none of this works for a predetermined length of time. You dont have to do them once a week, once a day, or once every fifteen minutes. You need to do them whenever you need them, which is going to vary. They're all highly recommended for a morning ritual. Doing them every morning as you start your day and before you begin interacting with the world, is a fantastic practice. But whenever you do it, if right afterwards, you head to work and get super triggered by somebody in traffic and find yourself swerving at them and cursing them out, spoiler alert, you probably don't have sacred space anymore, because as of that moment, you're no longer vibrationally aligned with the energies you were accessing in your morning ritual. But with enough practice, the will to avoid going to that place is going to become effortless.

**Sneak Preview!**

Just a note to wrap things up. If you find yourself not resonating with the "I am God" bit, bear with me. About six months ago, I was right there with ya. My next post is going to be about the collective, and I intend to speak on how I see the structure of our existence here, perhaps even touching on a little scripture that I feel has been misrepresented. Lastly, I want to lay out why I believe that in the face of a constantly deteriorating economic and political climate, I truly believe that the whole of humanity is elevating themselves to avoid any further REAL catastrophe, or any of the multiple types of apocalypse that I see a lot of people predicting. The future is bright, Stay blessed!!

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